Members Profile

Hon. Amanda Masono

Member Representing Women, North Bougainville

Minister for Public Service
Member of the 4th House

Hon. Dennis Lokonai

Member for Bolave Constituency

Minister for Health
Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Hon. Junior Tumare

Member for Makis Constituency

Minister for Lands & Physical Planning, Environment & Conservation
Member of the 4th House

Chairperson of the Privileges Committee

Hon. Ezekiel Masatt

Member for Tonsu Constituency

Minister for for Law & Justice , BIMI
Member of the 4th House

Bougainville Attorney General

Hon. Thomas Pata’aku

Member for Ramu Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Hon. John Bosco Ragu

Member for Tsitalato Constituency

Minister for Police & Correctional Services
Member of the 4th House

Hon. Robin Wilson

Member for Terra Constituency

Minister for Finance & Treasury
Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson Committee on Salaries & Remuneration (SRC)

Hon. Patrick Nisira

Vice President

Minister for Economic Development
Member of the 4th House

Bougainville Vice President
Member for Halia Constituency

Hon. Therese Naru Kaetavara

Deputy Speaker

Member of the 4th House

Deputy Speaker
Chairperson of the Committee on Gender Equality & Human Rights

Hon. Simon Pentanu

Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representatives

Member of the 4th House

Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representatives
Chairperson of the Standing Orders & Constitutional Planning Commission

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