Members Profile

Hon. Justine Borgia

Member for South Nasio Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Hon. Mathias Salas

Member for North Nasioi Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

Hon. Lawrence Sirapui

Member for Eivo/Torau Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Governance

Hon. Jason Barangnako

Member for Rau Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Law & Justice

Hon. Bernard Bobos

Member for Peit Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Hon. Robert Sawa

Member for Hagogohe Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Hon. Polycarp Suito

Member for Suir Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Hon. Paul Cheung

Member for Selau Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson on the Committee on Health & Education

Hon. Charles Kakapetai

Member for Teua Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Development

Hon. Paias Taehu

Member for Atolls Constituency

Member of the 4th House

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Development

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