“Our journey is a journey with great challenges, it is the struggle for Freedom”
This was the opening remarks of the Deputy Clerk of Parliament; Mr. Peter Topura during the speeches after the 2024 Parliamentary Dedication Mass.
“We know, we’ve signed the Bougainville Peace Agreement, and this has taken us this far. In 2019, we voted in for a Referendum and the people of Bougainville decided on the option of Independence”.
“We know, both our Governments have created a roadmap in Wabag, this shall be the roadmap that we will be implementing.
“We know our Parliament passed the resolution on the Bougainville Independence Mission” and this is our greatest challenge.
In attendance during the speech ceremony were the staff of Parliament, the Member for Tsitalato and Minister for Police Hon. John Bosco Ragu as custodian of the Parliament Precinct, The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Therese Kaetavare as Head of the Bougainville Legislator, The Former Combatant Member for North Bougainville, Hon Callen Tanahan and Father Polycarp
The Deputy Clerk instigated that 2023 was the year of Ratification and 2024 will be the year of Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation. He also urged the staff to support work on the Constitution and work on the Ratification as Parliament.
“We must never forget our responsibilities as Parliamentarian and our work with Parliamentary Committees. We must provide the oversight to guide the Bougainville Government as we are called to serve the people”.