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Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee (Appointment of Representatives Members) Act 2006

Being a Bougainville law as required by Section 102(2) (Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee) of the Bougainville Constitution, to make provision for the manner of appointments of representatives members to the committee, and for related purposes.

6 of 2006
June 27, 2006

Council of Elders (Head Tx) (Enabling) Act 2006

Being an Act made pursuant to the provisions of Section 154 (1)(d)(iv)(c) (outline of finances of Autonomous Bougainville Government and finance administration) of the Bougainville Constitution, to enable the imposition of head taxes by Councils of Elders.

5 of 2006
June 27, 2006

Tax Administration Act 2006

Being an Act to provide for the general administration of the tax laws of the Autonomous Bougainville Government,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

4 of 2006
March 29, 2006

Political Parties (Registration) Act 2006

Being an Act as required by Section 111 (Political Parties) of the Bougainville Constitution to- 

(a) make provision for a system of registration of political parties in Bougainville; and

(b) provide that to qualify for registration a political party must-

(i) provide evidence that it has such number of members in all Regions of Bougainville as is required by the Act; and

(ii) provide evidence that it has policies on broad subject matters relevant to Bougainville; and

(iii) have organizational structures that meet basic standards of democracy

(iv) disclose the sources of its funding to the Registrar who shall furnish them to the Bougainville Ombudsman; and

(c) make provision for all other matters relating to the system of registration (including provision for deregistration in certain circumstances) of political parties, and for related purposes,

MADE by the House of Representatives.




3 of 2006
March 29, 2006

Autonomous Bougainville Government Contracts Act 2006

Being an Act to provide for the manner of execution of contracts by the Autonomous Bougainville Government and for other matters related to contracts, and for related purposed,

MADE by  the House of Representatives

2 of 2006
March 29, 2006

Claims by and Against the Autonomous Bougainville Government Act 2006

Being an Act to provide for claims by and against the Autonomous Bougainville Government, and for related purposes,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

1 of 2006
March 29, 2006

Interpretation Act 2005

Being an Act relating to the interpretation of Acts and of instruments made under Acts, and for related purposes,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

7 of 2005
December 21, 2005

Appropriation (2006) Act 2005

Being an Act to-

(a) authorize the expenditure of moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund; and

(b) state in general or specific terms the purpose for, or objects on which those public monies shall be expended; and

(c) state the circumstances in which appropriation  may be altered,

MADE by the House of Representatives to come into operation on 1st January 2006.

6 of 2005
December 21, 2005

Public Accounts Committee Act 2005

Being and Act as required and authorized by Section 161 of the Bougainville Constitution to make provision for the functions, duties and powers of the Public Accounts Committee, and for related purposes,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

5 of 2005
August 4, 2005

National Salaries and Remuneration Commission (Nominated Members) Act 2005

Being a Bougainville law as required by Section 164(2) (Functions of National Salaries and Remuneration Commission) of the Bougainville Constitution, to provide for the nomination by the Bougainville Executive Council of two persons to serve on the National Salaries and Remuneration Commission.

4 of 2005
June 21, 2005
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