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Bougainville Restoration and Development Authority (Amendment) Act 2008

Being an Act to amend certain provisions of the Bougainville Restoration and Development Authority Act 2006.

MADE by the House of Representatives, to come into operation on certification.

2 of 2008
August 18, 2008

Official Personal Staff Act 2008

Being an Act to provide-

(a) official personal staff for-

(i)    the President; and

(ii) the Vice-President; and

(iii) each other Minister, and

(iv) the chairman of each Sectoral and Advisory Committee of the House of Representatives;

(v) each member of the House of Representatives

(vi) such other office-holders as designated as eligible persons under Section 2; and

(b) to fix the number of official personal staff to which each person referred to in Paragraph (a) is entitled; and

(c) to fix the terms and conditions of employment and manner of employment of official personal staff and to fix their titles designations;

(d) to meet the requirements of Section 153(1)(c)(i) of the Bougainville Constitution, 

and for related purposes.






1 of 2008
March 19, 2008

Autonomous Region of Bougainville Appropriation (2008) Act 2007

Being an Act to-

(a) authorize the expenditure of public monies from the Consolidated Revenue Fund; and

(b) state in general or specific terms the purpose for, or objects on which those public monies shall be expanded; and

(c) state the circumstances in which appropriation may be altered

MADE by the House of Representatives

4 of 2007
December 28, 2007

Autonomous Region of Bougainville Supplementary Appropriation (2007) Act 2007

Being an Act to authorize the expenditure of public monies from the Consolidated Revenue Fund supplementary to the appropriation provided for in the Appropriation (2007) Act 2006 

3 of 2007
June 25, 2007

Bougainville Elections Act 2007

Being an Act to implement Section 58 (recall of member of the House of Representatives), Section 104 (Bougainville Boundaries Commissioner), Section 105 (Constituencies),  Section 106 (Bougainville Electoral Commissioner and elections generally), 107 (Bougainville general elections)  and section 109 (form of elections) of the Bougainville Constitution by providing for-

(a) the appointment of, and procedures relating to the functions of the Bougainville Boundaries Commissioner; and

(b) the procedures to be followed by the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner and safeguarding his independence; and

(c) the procedures to be followed by the House of Representatives when considering the recommendations of the Bougainville Boundaries Commissioner; and

(d) the electoral system, including safeguarding the  integrity of elections and appeals on elections on matters to the Bougainville High Court; and

(e) matters relating to the recall of a member of the House of Representatives, and for related purposed,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

2 of 2007
June 25, 2007

Bougainville Executive Council (Additional Members) Act 2007

Being an Act to meet the requirements of Section 83(2) of the Bougainville Constitution in relation to appointment of members of Bougainville Executive Council under section 80(1)(f)(membership of the Bougainville Executive Council) of the Bougainville Constitution

1 of 2007
June 25, 2007

Revised and Additional Appropriation (2006) Act 2006

Being an Act-

(a) to revise amounts appropriated in the Appropriation (2006) Act 2005; and

(b) to authorize expenditure of additional moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the year ending 31st December 2006; and

(c) to state in general and specific terms the purpose for or activities on which those moneys shall be expended,

MADE by the House of Representatives.

10 of 2006
September 25, 2006

Emergency Act 2006

Being an Act as required by Section 204 (management and control of emergencies) of the Bougainville Constitution, to make provision generally for the management and control of emergencies and in particular for the matters specified in that section , and for related purposes.

MADE by the House of Representatives.

9 of 2006
September 25, 2006

Constitutional Laws (Consultation) Act 2006

Being a Bougainville law as required by the Bougainville Constitution to make provision for consultation in relation to-

(a) proposed amendments to Part XIV (Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum) of the National Constitution and/or the Organic Law on Peace-Building in Bougainville- Autonomous Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum; or

(b) proposed Constitutional Regulations under Section 349 (Constitutional Regulations) of the National Constitution or Section 66 (Constitutional Regulations) of the Organic Law on Peace-Building in BougainvilleAutonomous Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum, or any proposed amendment or repeal thereof; or

(c) proposed alteration of  the Bougainville Constitution 

8 of 2006
June 27, 2006

Bougainville Restoration and Development Authority Act 2006

Being an Act to establish the Bougainville Restoration and Development Authority to coordinate and supervise restoration and development in Bougainville following the Bougainville conflict, to make provision for the function and powers of the Authority, and for related purposes.

7 of 2006
June 27, 2006
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