The Deputy Speaker Reiterated International Recognition

The Deputy Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representatives (BHOR), Honorable Therese, recently shared her observation that despite Bougainville being in the process of achieving independence, BHOR has garnered praise and recognition from other Pacific Parliaments and leaders. During her recent trip to the region, she noted that the arrangements and systems formulated by BHOR, as well as its initiatives, have placed the Parliament and the government on the international scene.

Honorable Therese cited the Autonomous Government’s political arrangements and its Community Government system as examples of fostering inclusiveness and gender balance. She also mentioned the BHOR Parliamentarian Spouses Exposure Program, a homegrown initiative that has captured the interests of many international leaders, which is set to launch in the March sitting.

She concluded her remarks by reiterating that although the Bougainville Independence deal is still in its consultation phase, the Bougainville House of Representatives Parliament is already gaining recognition on the international scene. The collaborative initiatives and systems undertaken by BHOR are attracting the attention and interest of many neighboring Parliaments in the Pacific region and the Commonwealth.

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